Social Events

Behind every successful lodge is an active social scene.

Following every Regular Lodge Meeting, the Brethren dine (known as the festive board) at a leading West End hotel , the aim of this is to celebrate the events which have transpire in the Temple and raise money for charity.

The festive board is always an enjoyable event, a mixture of tradition, fund raising and appreciation of our guests.

We also dine following every Chapter meeting and ensure drinks follow the Lodge of Instruction.

The Brethren also actively visit other Lodges.  This is a key tradition in English Masonry which ensures the survival of the Craft and its  traditions. A special date in the diary of the Lodge is the annual visit to the Installation Meeting of the Master of the Duke of Cornwall
Lodge No.1529
in the Province of Cornwall.

The Lodge also holds a number of events during the year for the Brethren, their friends and family details of teh 2011 - 2012 events will be published soon.





Front Page

Foundation of the Lodge

A Hall Stone Lodge
A History of the Feathers

Duke of Cornwall Lodge

No. 1839

Hall Stone Lodge - Founded 30th August, 1879




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A Message from the East
Social Events
Lodge Diary

"....Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again"
Parting Toast of the Festive Board